Monday, May 9, 2011

Final- Completed and Finished

Here is the link to my final Final. If the link doesn't work, please let me know.

The pictures are the same as the previous post. I the code has changed just a bit and but the movies are all there.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Final - as of Saturday 5/7

Silvery Smoke

I took apart a file using ffmpeg, altered the frames with a photoshop droplet, created a smoke effect in maya and altered those images with a droplet, merged the movie frames with the smoke frames, and re-made the frames into a new movie with ffmpeg.

The original movie is "", the final product is "". I also have another in there, "", that shows the frames of the original movie after the first photoshop droplet, but before the smoke is added.
The first is before the smoke, the second is with the smoke added on top.

The codes, instructions, etc are at this link

(Please let me know if the link does not take you to the zip file and I will email it to you.)

I will be posting a revised final sometime in the week

Friday, May 6, 2011

Final- Update

I was finally able to get the images to merge properly. So with that all I need to do now is compile all my codes and have them run from a single code.

Now, from the small practice video I have configured, I find that those strange yellow lines are on the video again. I believe this is a result from re-encoding with ffmpeg. If I can find a way to fix it, I will, but it is not a big concern.

Final- Update

I am still working on getting the images to blend together. My main problem is making each smoke image correspond to the correct frame. I can't use a for loop within a for loop, because then I would be doing a whole lot more than I bargained for.

So I am going to continue to work on figuring out how to accomplish this.

If I get that done, all I have left is to make one script that combines all my other scripts and try running it.

Final- Update

I had to switch around my plan for the Maya smoke effect. Instead of using a fluid box, I created a sphere that would emit smoke. It works fairly well, but I can't quite figure out the "sprite" deal. I don't quite understand anything google tells me. But I worked around it to make the default black boxes more transparent and so it's almost like smoke.

Now I am working on combining the two different images together using imageMagick. Hopefully it will work ok.

Final Work Current Problem

Ok, so I figured out how to the MEL scripts to run through the shell and that's just great.

But my problem is with my script/animation itself. I am using a fluid to create the smoke in maya, and it won't render properly. I keep getting the message:
Warning: This file contains an uncached fluid; rewind and playback to see correct current state.

So that is what I am working to fix at the moment.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Work on the Final

I finally got my droplet to work correctly! It took a few good long hours to get the right syntax within the for loop, but my "silvery" effect is now on each frame of my original file.

That being done, I am now off to start work using Maya. I have already figured out how to create the smoke effect, but I'm not yet sure how to render it out and make it part of my silvery frames.

I will post updates as I figure all this out.

problems and what I have so far

I made a droplet for photoshop that does my silvery effect, but I can't get it to run through the shell.

I also have mel script for the smoke effect, but I haven't gotten to the point where I put it through the shell.

My main problem is making it all come together in one.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Assignment 4.3 (Try 1)

So, I still cannot get the frame number to show up on the actual frame, but I do have it echo. I was also able to add charcoal to the frames, put them back into a movie, and then delete the frames. I will work more on it, but this is what I have for now.


The only real problem is those weird yellow lines, it must be some sort of pixel issue that I don't know how to fix.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Journal 4/27

This is the video (and the part 2 and 3) that I'm using to learn to do the smoke effect in maya. It is really helpful.

I plan on doing it manually, then trying to make it into a code afterward.

The Plan

Here's my plan for the final:

1) get a video and break it into frames using ffmpeg
2) use the photoshop effect I created to make the figures look a bit silvery
3) in maya, create a smoke effect and render that out into frames
4) combine the video frames and the smoke frames into one, where the smoke will take over the video
5) throw it all back together as one video using ffmpeg.

That is the plan. Hopefully I can get it to work.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Journal 4/24

This video was just posted on the Harry Potter site:

I think that the way they transform Ralph Fiennes into Voldemort is fascinating. Even though they use graphic effects to remove his nose, they still do his makeup for the rest of his face. What I can't help thinking is why didn't they just use the effects for his whole head? But the answer starts to seem obvious: everyone in this movie works together to make the best possible outcome. The makeup artists are so precise and creative, that their work might be better than what the graphic designers could do. Each person does what they do best, and they all work together like a well oiled machine.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Journal 4/21 & possible idea for final

There is a scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in which Harry and Hermione are these weird smokey figures coming out of a locket. They are all silvery and it's quite surreal. I know that when they did this scene the actors were actually covered in silver makeup to make this effect. However, I have been playing around with "camera raw" from adobe and have made a similar effect on a picture of myself.
click here for link to picture

I am planning on playing around with photoshop this weekend and hopefully I can recreate this effect. If I am able to do that, then I will try and put such an effect on a video clip for the final project.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Journal 4/21

As the end of the semester approaches, I have been looking into the 1st cohort's capstone project Haley. I truly look forward to seeing the actual movie, but for now I will focus on the trailer. I find it fascinating how they basically superimposed 4 images to make a single frame: Haley on the hill, the Albuquerque skyline, the cgi smoke burning the skyline, and the robotic arm. They obviously had to do this on multiple frames (and here I'm speaking specifically about the skyline and the smoke added onto it), so it makes me wonder what programs were used to blend the two images together.

Here's a link to the website with the trailer: Haley

Thursday, April 14, 2011

journal 4/14

Tonight I was watching Pirates of the Caribbean, and I realized just how much time they had to spend to make those three movies so wonderful. The majority of the scenes, especially in the third one, took place in front of a blue screen and all the effects were added in. I can't help but marvel at how they got everything so perfect down to the finest grain of wood.

Here's a quick showing of some of the effects, to see more I believe they show a lot on the special edition dvds.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bash Scripting Tutorials

Ok, this one is giving me a whole lot of trouble. I have found a few things that work and some things that don't. I am getting one specific error that is preventing me from accomplishing for loops, so I'm going to ask about that on Tuesday (google isn't being a big help).

Here are the ones that I like that work: (the simple example at the top) and here's my script: click here (this plus a few others to manipulate images- links on side of video) and here's mine: click here

Here's the ones I wanted to try but they wouldn't work right: This one has a lot of different examples that would be very helpful. This one would be very helpful for arrays and for loops.

Bash Shell tutorial

I found a simple but helpful youtube video that helped me understand how to manipulate a file in the bash shell.

This is my history that I was able to get doing the history > apr10_history.txt (the first two lines I deleted because it was the same as lines 3 and 4).

3 dir
4 ls
5 cd temp
6 ls
7 mv apr5_history.txt apr5_historymove.txt
8 ls
9 cp apr5_historymove.txt a5_hmcopy.txt
10 ls
11 rm a5_hmcopy.txt
12 ls
13 mkdir test
14 ls
15 rm -rf test
16 ls
17 ls apr5_historymove.txt
18 man znew
19 znew --help
20 history > apr10_history.txt

I will put up the other tutorial shortly.

Journal 4/10 (Another one)

Going along looking at photos from great (yet unknown) artists, I went to look at my friend Scott's flickr stream. He is a photographer, and his pictures are incredible. He has such an eye for perfect contrast. I would post one of his pictures here, but he has the copyright lock on it. So I will just put the link to go see it:

My favorite is the one that will pop up first, a lantern with beautiful shadows.

Journal 4/10

I had a friend post a picture of this person's animation on facebook the other day and I couldn't help but look some more. I have to say, this is some of the most extraordinary and realistic animation I have ever seen.


Here's a link to this person's (Sam Wrich) website:

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bash Tutorials

If it already hasn't become apparent, I like simple things. Simple tutorials are the easiest to understand and are the only ones that keep me calm while scripting. I found two that are fairly decent and show some simple scripting:

Thursday, March 31, 2011

journal 3/31

Ok, so here is an equation for HSV to RGB. Honestly, the easiest to understand was wikipedia, so that is where I go this.

Given a color with hue H ∈ [0°, 360°), saturation SHSV ∈ [0, 1], and value V ∈ [0, 1], we first find chroma:

C = V \times S_{HSV}\,\!

Then we can find a point (R1, G1, B1) along the bottom three faces of the RGB cube, with the same hue and chroma as our color (using the intermediate value X for the second largest component of this color):

\begin{align}   H^\prime &= \frac{H}{60^\circ} \\   X        &= C (1 - |H^\prime \;\bmod 2 - 1|) \end{align}
  (R_1, G_1, B_1) =     \begin{cases}       (0, 0, 0) &\mbox{if } H \mbox{ is undefined} \\       (C, X, 0) &\mbox{if } 0 \leq H^\prime < 1 \\       (X, C, 0) &\mbox{if } 1 \leq H^\prime < 2 \\       (0, C, X) &\mbox{if } 2 \leq H^\prime < 3 \\       (0, X, C) &\mbox{if } 3 \leq H^\prime < 4 \\       (X, 0, C) &\mbox{if } 4 \leq H^\prime < 5 \\       (C, 0, X) &\mbox{if } 5 \leq H^\prime < 6     \end{cases}

Finally, we can find R, G, and B by adding the same amount to each component, to match value:

\begin{align}   &m = V - C \\   &(R, G, B) = (R_1 + m, G_1 + m, B_1 + m) \end{align}

Color Blindness try 2

Click here for the new code.

This pic is for use of the new code on the original pic in the last post. I would have never figured out that I had to use the "image." stuff to get my layers and channels if not for Tess. I couldn't find anything like that on google. But if you read the code, I have commented on almost every line to make it easier to understand what each thing does.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Color Blindness, try 1

Ok, so I have been working on this the color blindness project for about 6 hours now and I still haven't gotten farther than opening my document and creating 2 new layers. That was trying to duplicate what we did in class on Tuesday. I have spent tons of time searching the internet for helpful information, but that is just hard to come by.

I did, however, figure out how to code the pathway to the button in photoshop that automatically turns the picture (for lack of proper vocabulary) color blind. So this is the end result for Deuteranopia (red-green color-blindness). (click hereto go to my code)

I know it looks slightly washed out, but I think that's because the original has so much red and green.

That all being said, I'm going to try and keep working on the way we did in class. Hopefully I can figure it out, or maybe someone can help me.

I would also like to figure out a way to make an image of Tritanopia (blue-yellow/green color-blindness). It's more rare. And, personally, I like the color scheme better.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

HDR Image

(merged image)

I tried the HDR image automate tool in photoshop to see how it worked.
These are the pictures I took that were used to make the merged image.

The only thing I found problematic was that near the outdoor light was some pixelation. It may be the blinds being in the way or it may be that my tripod is fairly old and unstable. Either way, the automated script worked well.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

journal 3/24

After searching google for a long time, I still haven't found one solid scripting tutorial that has everything in it. I especially can't find ones with for loops.

So what I did instead was use the extendscript toolkit to look at the sample scripts that come with photoshop. Honestly, they are a lot more helpful than anything I've found on the internet. Most of the sample scripts are really well commented, so it's easy to see what each line is doing.

I know that's not the most traditional answer, but I figure looking at scripts that already work can help me write new scripts.

(p.s. The post before this does have a recommended tutorial. I still recommend that one for simple understandings.)

Photoshop Tutorial

This site here gives a very simple tutorial of scripting in photoshop. It is actually quite helpful because it doesn't go too far in depth. It shows how to use an if statement, name a variable, and shows the different types of things like actions and conditions. The nice thing is that it explains clearly and concisely what the code it shows does.

It makes the active layer invisible (or become visible if it is already invisible) and shows warning pop-ups for no active document or if there's only a background layer.

I will post another tutorial if I find one that is actually this helpful.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hitting a Snag

So I'm supposed to put up here the best tutorial I can find for scripting in photoshop. I will do that as soon as I can get that script listener to work.

I put it in the right folder and restart photoshop, but it still doesn't start or put a log anywhere on my computer. I reinstall and move the plug-in around, but I just don't know what's wrong.

I figure getting this to work is pretty important, so that's my focus at the moment.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Journal 3/20

So anyone who knows me knows that I am addicted to Harry Potter. And I am not exaggerating on that. This weekend was a Harry Potter weekend on ABC Family, so I figured I'd post about it.

The thing about the Harry Potter movies is that even though they are fantasy and use tons of CGI, all of it looks wonderfully real. The computer imposed images match perfectly with the live action filming, which is quite rare.

So even though we have learned how to use Maya, nothing I have seen has been quite realistic enough. As much as I don't really like animating, I would still like to be able to make something that could be placed seamlessly along a live image.

Picture here

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

journal 3/15

I was looking through youtube to find a tutorial for photoshop when I ran across this video:

It's not for photoshop, but it is really interesting and is something I really want to try to work with.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Journal 3/10

I've still had my mind stuck on color and also on stars. I was wondering why if you stare at the stars for a long time that they sometimes change color (or at least look like they do). This is what I found:

Stars That Change Colors

I've noticed that a few bright stars near the horizon seem to be very rapidly cycling through colors. They'll change from red to green to blue very quickly, it's almost like watching a Christmas light. There are only a few stars that do this, but it's the same ones every night (I know Arcturus is one for sure). All of the stars are close to the horizon and very bright. However, there are some close to the horizon bright stars which do not exhibit this behavior. Why does this happen?
  1. The effect you're seeing is almost certainly due to refraction in the atmosphere. The probable reason that only certain stars seem to change color is that it requires a certain light level before the human eye can distinguish colors (lower than that, you only see a grayscale). So only the brightest stars (Arcturus is the fourth brightest, fifth including the Sun) will exhibit this type of sparkling. Dimmer stars only twinkle (move around and change brightness).

    Dr. Eric Christian

Doppler Shift Vs. Intrinsic Color of Stars

A distant star might appear blue, due to its temperature. If it is travelling away from you, you could use its Doppler shift to determine what is going on. As I understand it, an object approaching is blueshifted, and departing it is redshifted. How could a blue star be red, or a red star be blue?

There are two processes involved here. One is the "intrinsic" color of the star, which is the color someone would see if they were not moving towards or away from the star. That color is completely determined by the temperature of the star. Blue and white stars are hotter than our Sun, red and orange stars are cooler. Each star actually emits a broad range of colors, but the peak emission (the color that has the most light) is what determines the star's color.

An observer sees all of the colors that the star emits shifted either towards the red or the blue depending upon whether the observer is moving away or towards the star. An intrinsically red star moving very quickly towards the observer "would" appear blue, and an intrinsically blue star away very fast "would" appear red. Most stars are not moving quickly enough for them to shift from red to blue or vice versa and we observe them at nearly their intrinsic color. But because of narrow "emission lines" that stars give off (very specific colors from one element), scientists can measure small red and blue shifts even when its overall color doesn't change.

Dr. Eric Christian
(March 2003)

I got this info here:

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Assignment 3 part 2 (modifier)

I did get the artistic color wheel to look better and have the saturation. Honestly, when it was discussed in class, all of it went right over my head because my rgb color wheel was done differently. Fortunately, Tess was able to explain it to me and help me understand exactly what each step did.

Assignment 3 part 5

As I said in an earlier post, I really wanted to make someone see a "forbidden" color. I wasn't able to do this in maya alone, but I do have the "recipe" at this link:

While watching this, I found that if you stare at the middle stripe (initially blue) it works better. I know when I look at it I'm seeing a yellowish blue, so hopefully it will for everyone else.

You can watch it at this link:

Assignment 3 part 4

This part is much like part 3, but the transitions were to non-linear (so go through another color rather than white or black or gray). This was fairly easy. Again, all I had to do was alter the setAttr section again.

Code: Code:

Assignment 3 Part 3

For this part we were to create 3 linear color transitions. All of mine go through white. That being said, I was under the impression that these were to be actual strips that do the transition, so that is why the end of each code is huge. What was nice about this part of the assignment was that I only had to change the setAttr section to change the colors at the ends. Link to my code:


Assignment 3 part 2

This part was to create two color wheels. The first I did was the RGB color wheel. Using my old code from the color cube, I was able to start off. I worked with a few others from the class and we figured out how to correspond the color to the place on the wheel. Once we figured out how to do the hsv to rgb conversion, it looked much better.

Here's the link to my code:

The second was the artistic color wheel. I had a much harder time with this one. I took the idea from Casey about corresponding the rgb color to a certain angle. I was not able to figure out how to make this work with the hsv, so there is no gradient. It's also not as fluid as the rgb wheel (nor is the code nice and short), but it does match what the artistic color wheel looks like.
Here is the code:

Assignment 3 Part 1

For the sake of being completely thorough and to make sure I get graded for this part of the assignment, I am going to re-post the color cube.

The code is here:

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Journal 3/2/11

I have been thinking about the forbidden colors recently (a yellowish blue and a greenish red). I think I am going to try and figure something out with them for the last part of our assignment, I just don't know how yet.

I found this article :

I'm looking for more to see how I might be able to create a forbidden color.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Journal 3/1/11

In class, the subject of how eyes see color was brought up. And then on the class blog there was a post on why glass was transparent.

These got me thinking about how glasses work. They are obviously transparent, but they improve on what the eye sees.

I found this article to help answer my questions on what glasses actually do:

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Journal 2/24

I thought about the question of black light.

There is not black light. Black is what you get when there is no light, or no light is reflected. It can absorb light, but that's it.

A "black light" that people can buy is actually ultraviolet light. It's emits electromagnetic radiation, so most of it isn't visible. The only visible bits are the near ultraviolent range, so that's why if you put white next to a "black light" the white will look purple.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Assignment 2 (Again)

We did the color cube again in class, and the code is shorter (and thus prettier). So I felt I should post it here.

for ($x = 0; $x < 8; ++$x){
for ($y = 0; $y <8; ++$y){
for ($z = 0; $z <8; ++$z){
$name = `shadingNode -asShader blinn`;
$tmp = $name+ ".color"; //blinnShader1.color
setAttr $tmp -type double3 ($x/7.0) ($y/7.0) ($z/7.0);
$objName = `polySphere -ch on -o on -r .03`;
xform -translation ($x/8.0) ($y/ 8.0) ($z/ 8.0);
hyperShade -assign $name;


I also don't know how to keep the indents in blogger, so I'm stuck with it all being aligned on the left side.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Assignment #2 Color Cube

The assignment was to create a projected color cube made of spheres, created by using MEL script. Here's the code for mine, as long as it is used on Maya 2011, it should work just fine.

for ($x = 0; $x <>

for ($y = 0; $y <8;>

for ($z = 0; $z <8;>

$name = `shadingNode -asShader lambert`;

$objName = `polySphere -ch on -o on -r .03`;

xform -translation ($x/8.0) ($y/ 8.0) ($z/ 8.0);

$tmp = $name+ ".color";

$tmp2 = $name+ ".outColor";

$tmp3 = $name + "SG";

$tmp4 = $name + "SG.surfaceShader";

sets -renderable true -noSurfaceShader true -empty -name $tmp3;

connectAttr -f $tmp2 $tmp4;

hyperShade -assign "lambert" "" $name $objName[0];

sets -e -forceElement $tmp3;

setAttr $tmp -type double3 ($x/7.0) ($y/7.0) ($z/7.0);




Thursday, February 10, 2011

Journal #6 2/10/11

Tuesday we just had a work day. With help, I finally got the color cube to actually have color. It looks pretty awesome. I'll post the code and a picture of the final product later today.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Journal #5

Okay, I know I will never be able to animate this good, but I have the absolute highest respect for anyone who models like this. I could go on for hours about Disney and Pixar, but for this I will just do a brief post about Cars (and Cars 2 because that's on its way to theaters).

I am fascinated at the way these animators can not only make the characters have human expressions but also how they texture the characters. If you go to Pixar's Youtube page they actually have about 10 cars from the new movie up for display. It's hard to describe each one, but just the change of color tone and brightness, as well as fitting the images to the unique shapes of the cars, is just spectacular.

Journal #4 2/3/11

Today we worked on making the color cube made of spheres. I was shocked at how little code is actually required to get all those spheres made.

So now we have to get the color added. I searched google for over 2 hours and I still couldn't find anything that works. I hope we'll be able to figure it out Tuesday in class because I am so lost.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

MEL (Journal #3 1/30/11)

Alright, so for the homework this weekend we were to look at a MEL tutorial. After searching for anything that was even the slightest bit helpful, I stumbled upon this set of youtube videos.

After this there are at least 4 more. I'm posting it in case anyone else needs to learn MEL, and learn it like a child being taught the abc's. I'm slow at scripting and this was easy to grasp.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Assignment #2 Bouncy Ball

This here <-- is the ascii art ball I created that you see in the video.

Before I give my “recipe” on how I got the final product, I feel the need to explain a few things. First, I knew that I personally could not create a bouncy ball in Maya with very little mouse clicks. Before today (1/27) I was completely oblivious to MEL script. That being said, I was quite intrigued about using ASCII art for the project. I tried to just use ASCII in Photoshop, but I just couldn’t figure it out quite right. So, instead, I created an ASCII ball in its own picture and manipulated the picture in a new picture. (Just a note: the image in the top right corner is a light bulb, the ball goes flat at the end because it popped on the glass.)

I also preset a few different keying aspects in Photoshop before starting (ctrl + . =scale; ctrl + , =distort; ctrl + / =rotate. Each of these affects the picture by one pixel). This is important if anyone wanted to use my “recipe” to recreate it.

The last thing I want to note is my biggest problem. I was able to put the 86 pictures I made in Photoshop into Premiere, but each picture took up 5 seconds each (far too long to make it look like the ball was bouncing). I initially tried to shorten each picture, but that proved to be a futile effort. Eventually, I just rendered out the long sequence (over 7 minutes) and re-entered it into Premiere as one long video, then shortening that one video.

Here’s the “recipe”

  • open Photoshop
  • ctrl + N --> open new picture size 200 x 200 pixels
  • t à start typing new area
  • type in ASCII soccer ball
  • ctrl + shift + S --> save as “ball"
  • ctrl + N --> opens new picture size 600 x 550 pixels
  • t --> start new typing area
  • type in ASCII light bulb
  • in “ball”- M --> rectangle marquee tool, select whole picture
  • ctrl + C --> copy
  • click on larger picture
  • ctrl + V --> paste ball into pic
  • V --> move tool
  • click and move ball to upper area (starting it off screen)
  • ctrl + , --> to distort (using arrow keys); to make longer or more squat if falling or hitting ground
  • ctrl + shift + S --> save as
  • repeat last 4 steps for each new picture needed in slideshow
  • once ball has bounced: ctrl + / --> rotate (using arrow keys)
  • open Premiere
  • ctrl + alt + N --> new project
  • ctrl + alt + O --> browse in Brdige, find folder all pictures are stored in
  • ctrl + A -->select all pictures
  • use mouse to move to Premiere imported area
  • , -->will import all into editing bay
  • enter--> renders entire work area
  • ctrl + alt + E --> export
  • Encore will open (automatically)--> press “start queue”
  • (in Premiere) ctrl+ alt+ N--> new project
  • click import, select long movie
  • , --> import into editing bay
  • use tool to squish movie to 5 seconds
  • enter --> render work area
  • ctrl + alt + E --> export
  • start queue and save

If anyone wants this in a nice PDF format, let me know and I will email it to y0u.

Journal #2 1/27

Today we were going over MEL scripting, which turned out to be not as scary as i would have thought it to be. I do think that figuring out how to properly work a for loop in it will be difficult, but it's nice to know I understand the basics. There's not much else to say, but I look forward to making the color cube with lots of little spheres of color.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Journal #1 1/26

This being my first post for this class (that's not an assignment), I felt I'd explain my plan for the journals. I'm going to try and do 3 a week, the first two pertaining what we do in class, the third being something from the outside.

That being said here's from Tuesday:

We talked more about linear algebra and different ways to look at the color spectrum. I feel the HSB one is the best, because you catch every color from white to black. It's easy for me to understand it when it's on the board. I am genuinely worried about when we get to the project for the color spectrum. I can work Maya just fine, and most other programs too, but I am awful at programming. I struggle through it because I just don't understand it. I know I've worked with python and c#, but very little has stuck. I have no problem making a "recipe" of how I get to the final product of a project, but having a script that actually works will be quite a leap for me.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Assignment 1

This, I believe, is the most complete model I have made. It is a lamp designed for the first IFDM course, and it is one of the best I have done.

Just showing a picture of my modeling is simply not enough to show what I do. I am a film maker. I love to direct and write screenplays. I can do modeling, but it is not my passion.