Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bash Shell tutorial

I found a simple but helpful youtube video that helped me understand how to manipulate a file in the bash shell.

This is my history that I was able to get doing the history > apr10_history.txt (the first two lines I deleted because it was the same as lines 3 and 4).

3 dir
4 ls
5 cd temp
6 ls
7 mv apr5_history.txt apr5_historymove.txt
8 ls
9 cp apr5_historymove.txt a5_hmcopy.txt
10 ls
11 rm a5_hmcopy.txt
12 ls
13 mkdir test
14 ls
15 rm -rf test
16 ls
17 ls apr5_historymove.txt
18 man znew
19 znew --help
20 history > apr10_history.txt

I will put up the other tutorial shortly.

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