Thursday, March 3, 2011

Assignment 3 part 2

This part was to create two color wheels. The first I did was the RGB color wheel. Using my old code from the color cube, I was able to start off. I worked with a few others from the class and we figured out how to correspond the color to the place on the wheel. Once we figured out how to do the hsv to rgb conversion, it looked much better.

Here's the link to my code:

The second was the artistic color wheel. I had a much harder time with this one. I took the idea from Casey about corresponding the rgb color to a certain angle. I was not able to figure out how to make this work with the hsv, so there is no gradient. It's also not as fluid as the rgb wheel (nor is the code nice and short), but it does match what the artistic color wheel looks like.
Here is the code:

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